By Laws
Tame Fish Lake Association By Laws
Established August, 2010
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be Tame Fish Lake Association.
Article II: Mission Statement
The mission of the Tame Fish Lake Association is to promote positive environmental and recreational stewardship of Tame Fish Lake for further generations through member involvement, communication and information sharing.
Article III: Membership
Eligibility: One parcel of land shall represent one membership. Only one vote for current paid up membership shall be allowed for any matter to come before the membership meeting. If owner of real estate is not a member of the association a tenant who resides on the property shall be eligible for membership at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Dues: Active members of the Association shall pay annual dues which will be set up by the Board of Directors. Such dues will be for the current calendar year and shall be paid before the annual membership meeting to be a voting member.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1:
The officers of the association shall be comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 1 director. These officers and director will constitute the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Duties
The President shall preside over all membership meetings and any other special meeting deemed necessary by the board or membership.
The Vice President shall in the absence of the President fulfill the duties of the President.
The Secretary shall record and maintain all minutes from membership and special Board meetings and shall manage all routine correspondence and shall keep an up to date list of members along with there addresses.
The Treasurer shall maintain all revenues of the association and shall disperse expenditures as authorized by the board and the general membership. He or she shall present a report of income and of expenditures at the membership meeting, also working with the secretary to compile a list of paid up members for voting purposes at the annual meeting.
The Director position will be the past president and will oversee special projects as assigned.
Section 3: Terms of office
- The officers shall have a two year term.
- No automatic position reinstatement.
- Officers can serve more than one term following standard election process; using standard voting process; position must be opened and position must be voted on.
- Officers will be elected at the membership meeting.
Section 4: Vacancies
If an officer or director is not able to fulfill his obligation to the Board the Board may appoint a person to fulfill that persons term without benefit of a special election.
Article V: Membership Meetings
Date and Place: The membership meeting will take place the 3rd Saturday in June and the place for the next membership meeting will be decided at the end of the current meeting.
Notice of meeting: One month prior to the annual meeting a notice will be sent out either by email or by correspondence as a reminder of the meeting. In case a special membership meeting is required a notice must be sent out 2 weeks prior to meeting with the time and location of meeting.
Agenda: Things that are thought to be necessary to be brought up at the membership meeting should be sent to the Secretary of the Board no later than 2 weeks prior to meeting so the agenda for meeting will be made.
Quorum: In the case of membership meetings a quorum consists of 25 percent of membership.
Quorum outside membership meetings consist of 50 percent of membership. Proxy votes will be excepted in these circumstances.
The statements above need clarification. SL
Article VI: Board Meetings
Notice: The Board of Directors shall meet at such time and place where deemed necessary by either the President or by the Vice President, when the President isn’t available or by the signature of 3 of the directors. A 2 week notice shall be given and in case of an emergency situation comes up direct contact by phone shall be permissible in lieu of a meeting.
Quorum: 4 members of the Board will constitute the necessary quorum for the transaction of business. Email votes will be accepted to obtain quorum. SL
Article VII: Standing Committees
The President with the approval of the majority of the members of the board may appoint additional committees as shall be determined necessary. The chairman of any such committee may be from the general membership of the association. All reports shall be filed with the board of directors upon the termination of the committees work or annually if the committee shall be one with continuing authority.
Article VIII: Parliamentary Procedure
All meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors shall be conducted by Roberts Rules of Order.
Article IX: Amendments to bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at the annual meeting of the association provided that a written notice is given to the general membership at least 15 days in advance of the meeting.